Thursday, December 30, 2010

Mastering Metabolism To Lose Belly Fat and Healthy Weight Loss ~ Part 2

Aside from age, there are a couple of other factors that weigh into how fast a metabolism works for healthy weight loss and to lose belly fat. But first, let us get familiar with a few of the terms that apply directly to understanding the metabolism.
•    Resting Metabolism- this is a term used to describe the number of calories that a person burns in an average day without physical activity
•    Metabolic Rate –  this is the rate at which a person burns through calories

•    Basal metabolic rate- similar to “resting metabolism,” this term refers to the number of calories burned without excess physical activity.  This is the number of calories that a person would need to intake if at rest all day.

Mastering Metabolism To Lose Belly Fat and Healthy Weight Loss ~ Part 1

We all know that the metabolism plays a large part in how our body operates; on how fast we burn fat; and on how and where we gain weight.  Yet, knowing this is not enough if we wish to make that internal system work for us.  When trying to lose belly fat and healthy weight loss, it is essential to master your metabolism.

    Metabolism is defined as a set of chemical reactions, which are the underlying reason why an organism can grow, reproduce, and continue to adapt to its environment.  The definition alone is enough to make one stop to consider the importance of truly understanding it.  Metabolism, when speaking of losing weight, is assumed to mean the process by which the body burns energy (calories).  Via the metabolism, the body is able to convert food calories to usable energy.  A strong metabolism will make those changes and burn through calories at a very quick rate, which is why some individuals can seem to eat anything in any quantity without noticeably gaining weight.  Everyone’s metabolism works at a slightly different rate.  These rates naturally slow as a person ages.  It is thought that the metabolism slows by five percent each decade after a person reaches the age of forty.  However, this does not mean that a person should give up on remaining thin and trim in their later years.  At forty years old, a large percentage of the population hasn’t even reached the mid-point of their life.  That being said, there are a number of wonderful reasons to fight a slowing metabolism and maintain or create the figure you desire, with healthy weight loss or to lose belly fat.

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Lose Belly Fat and Have Healthy Weight Loss With Earth Juice A.K.A. - Water Part 7


In this section, we have learned of the many beneficial qualities that water has to offer, and, though there was a lot of information here, it has only touched on the tip of what this miracle liquid has to offer the human body.  It is sad to think that so many people rob themselves of this widely available tool when attempting to heal from a variety of ailments or when they – like you – make the earnest effort to lose belly fat and healthy weight loss.

                Because it is so very important as we begin this journey together to understand how crucial this element truly is, allow a quick re-cap of what was discussed.

·         Water makes up seventy percent of the earth’s surface and more than fifty percent of the human body.

·         There are five very important reasons to increase water intake TODAY:

Saturday, December 04, 2010

Lose Belly Fat and Have Healthy Weight Loss With Earth Juice A.K.A. - Water Part 6

      Putting the plan in action
Okay, so we now know that water can help us lose belly fat and aid in our healthy weight loss, but the difficulty lies in how to best introduce something to our lives that might have been a relatively foreign substance beforehand.  It is estimated that the average person – despite the well known recommendation – drinks too little water.  Many Americans avoid it all together, because they would rather have one of the other beverage options on the market.  That being said, it can be difficult to imagine finding room for so much extra fluid every day.

                It is best to begin by determining how much water you should be drinking.  Though eight glasses is the normal recommended amount, it is not always enough for people who are trying to lose belly fat, healthy weight loss or just maintaining their body.  A better rule of thumb when attempting to shed healthy weight loss or to lose belly fat  is to drink half of their body weight in ounces of water. As an example, consider a two-hundred pound person.
·         Divide the total weight by two pounds:
200 lbs / 2lbs = 100
·         The result is the number of ounces of water that the person should aim to drink each day.  Divide that number by eight ounces to figure out how many glasses.
100ozs / 8ozs =  12.5 glasses  or 5 -  20oz bottles

Friday, December 03, 2010

Lose Belly Fat and Have Healthy Weight Loss With Earth Juice A.K.A. - Water Part 5

Signs of Dehydration

that you are more familiar with the dangers of dehydration, you will want to keep your eyes peeled for signs of it – in yourself and loved ones.  Though the recommended daily dose of water is eight glasses, there are some people that won’t find that to be enough.  This is especially true for those of us who are pushing ourselves physically with new workout routines.  So, keep these signs in mind and be sure that you don’t run into the troubles that come with dehydration.
    Initial signs of this condition set in after two percent dehydration and include feeling thirsty, change in appetite, sudden dry skin, pale skin, urine that is dark yellow or golden in color, dry mouth, sudden fatigue or weakness, and head rushes upon standing.
    When not properly addressed, this condition will continue to progress.  At five percent dehydration more symptoms become apparent.  These can include a faster pulse, decreased needs to urinate, fever, muscle cramps, headaches, tingling in extremities, and nausea.  When these expand to include vomiting, loss of breath, or fainting, the dehydration has reached serious levels and emergency medical attention is highly recommended.

Lose Belly Fat and Have Healthy Weight Loss With Earth Juice A.K.A. - Water Part 4


The number one reason, as far as we are concerned at this moment, for drinking water is to improve our chances of healthy weight loss and to lose belly fat.  There are a number of reasons that water affects our ability to lose weight.
•    Hunger often seems the number one enemy for a person who is attempting to shed those excess pounds and lose belly fat, but what we think of as hunger is not always what we think it is.  Often it is not that we are craving more food, but rather that the body is pleading for hydration.  Rather than reaching for the granola bar or cookies in the vending machine, it might be a better option to take a few more steps to the water cooler.  Water is, in essence the natural hunger suppressant and it also takes up room in the stomach, thus making a person feel fuller.   If a person stays properly hydrated – drinks at least eight glasses per day – then he or she is less likely to break the diet.
•    Cutting calories is always advantageous when dieting.  Beverages are an often overlooked source of excess calories.  A glass of fruit juice for instance contains between ninety and 160 calories.  Sodas can be even worse as far as calorie count is concerned.  Water can be substituted and contains no calories at all.  Thus it is an excellent aid in the fight to lose belly fat and healthy weight loss.
•    Believe it or not, water can even wash away fat deposits.  Increased water intake causes the body to rid itself of excess fat deposits (lose belly fat) that it stores as a defense mechanism.  Staying properly hydrated will also cause the body to stop storing water.  This results in less bloating and swelling in hands and feet.  Dehydration causes the body to go into survival mode – that means fat and water storage and also means that the body looks heavier as a result of excess fat and bloating.

Lose Belly Fat and Have Healthy Weight Loss With Earth Juice A.K.A. - Water Part 3

Make a bigger Impact at work
It is not unlikely at all that you have heard that dehydration is a killer for an athlete’s performance.  It is the sole reason that Florida State University created their own performance drink for their players.  It is also the reason that thermoses and sports bottles are found on every sideline of any sport.  Yet, it is not just athletes that can feel the effects of water loss on performance.  Also affects healthy weight loss and to help aid in to lose belly fat.

    It has been determined that one of the many symptoms of dehydration is the inability to concentrate.  This symptom can set in even when a person is just slightly dehydrated.  That being said, it makes logical sense that a person that drinks water throughout the day would be better focused and better able to accomplish the tasks placed before him or her.  Hydration is especially important for those individuals that are physically active during the day.  That might mean increasing daily intake from eight glasses to ten or twelve glasses of water per day if you are busy building, shoveling, lifting, or being otherwise physically challenged. 

    As for those of us that are planted at a desk each and every day, it is still very important that we stay hydrated for all of those reasons already mentioned and more.  It has been found that those that keep a glass, thermos, or bottle of water on their desk all day drink far more water than those that are forced to go to the sink or cooler to retrieve it.  This might be the key to pushing more of the good stuff into you.