Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Lose Belly Fat and Have Healthy Weight Loss With Earth Juice A.K.A. - Water Part 2

Feel Better and Feel Young

There are so many downsides to aging.  From new stomach and digestion problems to bad skin; from kidney stones to being increasingly prone to cancer; from osteoporosis to prostate problems, it seems that getting old is a curse. Also healthy weight lose and to lose belly fat is harder as we age. However, did you know that all of these medical problems and many more and linked to dehydration as well.  It could be that your aches and ailments are more directly tied to your failure to drink the recommended amount of water each day than they are to your number of celebrated birthdays.
•    Stomach problems can be caused by the water we drink.  In fact, contaminated water is a constant killer, taking lives daily.  Though our water supplies are much safer in this country.  We still must be careful about drinking filtered, properly tested water.  Clean water can also relieve many of the stomach symptoms that Americans frequently complain about.  Included on this list are diarrhea, constipation, and heartburn.
•    The kidneys and bladder are directly affected by the fluid we do or do not put in our body.  Water keeps bacteria away from the bladder – that would otherwise cause urinary tract infections or bladder infections.  It also ensures that the bladder remains active, thus reducing the possibility that it will begin to malfunction.  The kidneys rid the body of waste, but when bacteria
and proteins enter, they crystallize and form the very painful and embarrassing kidney stones.  Drinking the recommended daily allotment of water can keep these troubles at bay; reducing the chances of forming kidney stones.
•    Thanks to its ability to divert bacteria from the bladder and colon, water can actually reduce the chances that a person contracts bladder or colon cancer.  Studies are still being done to effectively measure water’s part in preventing the nasty disease that has claimed many lives, but one thing is for sure – drinking water cannot hurt in the battle against cancer.
•    This may seem an obvious statement, but many overlook the fact that water can be the best solution for dry skin and even chronic dry eye syndrome.  It is not running water over the affected area that will hydrate it, but proper ingestion of water can alleviate the problem, and can often do so better than any lotion, drop, or prescription.
These are just a few of the medical problems that are directly tied to dehydration.  If you are finding yourself having problems with your health and with healthy weight loss, that just can’t be answered by medical professionals, then it might be time to increase your water intake.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome article and data to read and it's really great for all!Love this post.It is so useful and helpful to me and all.God bless you.Amen
