Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Lose Belly Fat and Have Healthy Weight Loss With Earth Juice A.K.A. - Water

World Mother’s Nature Juice

“I don’t understand. I am doing everything right, but I still can’t lose belly fat, or Healthy weight loss. Why am I still failing?”
The answer to this common question is very often the same for nearly all that ask it. There is one major component of health and wellness that people continually overlook, yet it is one of the very most fundamental factors of why the body is able to shed healthy weight loss. The answer, usually is, “you aren’t drinking enough water.”

Though it is easy for one to understand the importance of water for the world and healthy weight loss – it allows plants and animals to continue living; it creates our weather patterns; it cools animals in the warmest months and so much more. This magical substance makes up seventy percent of our planet’s surface. But, it is not unusual for a person to wonder why water is so important to the body. After all, we have so many beverages today that look better, taste better, and can quench our thirst. However, water is the underlying component in all beverages and it serves many purposes in keeping us healthy. Just as it makes up such a large percentage of Earth, it also accounts for half of our chemical makeup.

Without water – a combination of oxygen and hydrogen atoms – our bodies are thrown off their natural balance. Whether we knowingly feel it or not, not drinking enough water will leave us dehydrated, which leads to many strange phenomenon in the body. Often these symptoms will be blamed on other conditions, but if one were simply to improve water intake, they would – as If by magic – disappear completely.

Let us take a moment to consider the many ways that water can affect our bodily systems and the reasons one has to improve water intake. There are five major points of concern that most adults can relate to – all of which can be improved with more water. Each of these five topics will be discussed in more length as this section continues.
1. Kick the Headache
2. Regain your Youth
3. Perform Better
4. Improve Your Workout
5. Lose Weight

Headaches are a very, very common nuisance in this country today, which is easy to understand given the long hours that we work and the vast number of responsibilities at home that eat up the rest of our time. Many people are quick to blame all of that stress for the tightening at the back of the head or the shooting pain at the forehead. Yet, in many cases, it is not as much a symptom of excess stress as it is a problem related to too little water consumption.
Doctors will often give a diagnosis of CFS or chronic fatigue syndrome for those people that experience frequent tension headaches, as fatigue can be the primary cause of this type of headache. Yet, fatigue is also a symptom of dehydration. Hormonal headaches, cluster headaches, and even migraines also have similar links to dehydration. So, rather than reaching for the bottle of pills next time a headache sets in, try instead to reach for a tall glass of water. At the very least swallow the meds with that water.
Drinking eight glasses of the crystal clear liquid will likely prevent those headaches all together, or at least limit their frequency and intensity.

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