It won’t make you lose weight, because muscle is heavier than fat, but it will help you lose belly fat and get slim, trim and tone. Additionally, weight training increases muscle mass, which equates to an increase in BMR.
7. Increase High Intensity Cardio
By this, it is not meant that you should run at top speed for hours each day, but it does mean that you should find a cardio activity that will increase heart rate and metabolism rates and do it a few times per week for twenty or thirty minutes. Remember, it is better to interject changes in speed or resistance, so the body doesn’t think about going into survival mode.
Not only does high intensity cardio boost the metabolism, it also burns a large number of calories immediately. Running can burn nearly six hundred calories per hour and aerobics can burn nearly five hundred per hour.
8. Consider Supplements
To keep your body operating properly, you will need to ensure that you are getting enough of the essential vitamins and nutrients. The wide array of B- and C- vitamins are also big players in maintaining a speedy metabolism.
9. Avoid Alcohol
A depressant by nature and chock full of empty calories, alcohol is not a friend to those who are trying to maintain healthy weight loss and healthy lifestyle. This doesn’t mean that you have to avoid it all together, but rather that it should be used in moderation and low calorie options (such as lite beer or diet soda as a mixer) should be considered to help cut excessive caloric intake.
10. Increase Incidental Physical Activity
It’s a big word, but one with a very simply underlying message – be active. Maintaining physical fitness doesn’t always point to the gym. It can be as simple as parking further from the building so you are forced to walk the extra distance, taking the stairs rather than the elevator, or getting up and walking to the water cooler more times each day.
There are many ways to squeeze exercise into the day and the ability to burn one hundred calories per day can result in significant healthy weight loss at the end of one year. Consider activities like raking the lawn, cleaning the house, or playing catch with the kids. Twenty or thirty minutes of any one of these will help you burn those one hundred calories for the day. There are many other similar activities that can allow you to burn energy without even knowing it.
Lol...the pic of the kid is cute but the post made quite a few valid points. get a flat stomach