Because it is so very important as we begin this journey together to understand how crucial this element truly is, allow a quick re-cap of what was discussed.
· Water makes up seventy percent of the earth’s surface and more than fifty percent of the human body.
· There are five very important reasons to increase water intake TODAY:
o Get rid of nagging headaches
o Get healthy and feel young again
o Perform better at work and in everyday life
o Perform better at the gym and get faster results
o Lose belly fat and healthy weight loss faster!
· Too little or contaminated water can cause – among other things – diarrhea, constipation, heartburn, dry skin, dry eyes, fatigue, weaknesses,water retention,belly fat and kidney stones.
· Proper hydration can help you battle certain types of cancer
· Water can stave off hunger, help cut calories, prevent belly fat build up and bloating, and speed up the metabolism,for healthy weight loss.
· Signs of dehydration – including increased pulse rate, dry mouth, thirst, and head rushes – can be noticed at as little as two percent dehydration.
· At 10% dehydration, the body will begin to shut down. Fainting, vomiting, flushed skin, and inability to sweat are among the very serious symptoms.
· To determine how many glasses of water you should drink when trying to lose weight:
o Divide total weight by 2
o Divide the derived answer by 8 oz
· There are some substitutes for water, such as fresh raw fruit, herbal Concentrate teas. But Nothing is as good and beneficial as the real thing, earth juice A.K.A. Water
This ends Section Two. You are one step closer to the body you dream of having. Keep up the good work and start drinking more water right away!
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